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Short-Form Content is Making Us Dumb: Strategies for Personal Growth in the Digital Age
A modern media pandemic.

We’re living in a time where short-form content is dominating the market. From Instagram to YouTube — things are not lasting longer than 30 seconds anymore. Attention spans are shrinking and people are complaining about information overload.
In times like this, the pursuit of personal growth can feel like you’re climbing an endless mountain. We now get bite-sized snippets of knowledge, advice, and quick solutions which give us instant gratification that we’ve actually learnt something. And it is true, you may have learnt something, for example, you may have learnt how to save your house plants with a 30-second video.
Social media has become a big part of global society. With that being said, are we losing substance to our lives? Are we losing the want to cultivate depth and want to dive deeper into things?
Although short-form content is useful (at times), it’s becoming over-saturated and even our brains are thinking ‘You know I can do more than 30 seconds?’.
When you see yourself consuming too much short-formed content, 1 hour YouTube videos explaining and showing you how to save your house plants become a chore.